The magazine featured
short fiction for women, their television shows of the time. Deco fashion patterns and
even in the Midwest, articles questioning the role of women, were desirable
features for collecting.
As I list magazines,
I’m often drawn to articles. An example
in Woman’s World began with “Probably
one thousand times a year the postman brings me a letter asking if I can help
some woman out of the drab, gray commonplace of domestic unhappiness.” Below is the photo that accompanied the
article. Across from it were four
featured women with the heading “Women Who Are Doing Things.”
During the
Depression, the magazine shrunk. There
weren’t so many pages of fashion for the social set. The magazine kept their crafts, recipes,
gardening, and homemaking articles. It
was defunct by 1940.
What really sold this
magazine on eBay were their children’s pages.
My first lot of these magazines featured a children’s author and photographer
whose name I didn’t remember – Harry Whittier Frees. His
photographs of clothed pets at Pussyway Park and Catnip School captured me.
Doing a little
research, I realized I had probably seen a book of his in my childhood, maybe
his Four Kittens. I hadn’t come across
any of his books during my years of book collecting and I wish I had! They are certainly collectible.
As a child, I had
quite a preference for photography in children’s books. The Lonely Doll and the story series
about regional children, Madeline Brandeis’s, fascinated me. I’ve wondered why this book art wasn’t
continued much.
Then I obtained an
earlier lot of Woman’s World. To my delight, the children’s author-artist
featured in their 1920s issues was Johnny Gruelle, the creator of Raggedy Ann. His stories “The Invisible Pig”, “The
Whirling Jinny”, and “The Whangdoodles” apparently weren’t done in book form or
the books are extremely rare. I couldn’t
find them as books. I guess the
previous owner of the magazines hadn’t recognized the name of Raggedy Ann’s
author – a lucky buy.
That often happens
with magazines. Once I bought a Judge magazines from a book dealer I
knew. He had so much stock that he
didn’t know about the Seuss cartoons in one of the issues. Doctor Seuss, under that name, began with
hilarious political cartoons.
With so many
memorable books being published digitally, I try to keep up my vintage magazine
stock. And because I have enjoyed
listing them so much. It’s a nice
surprise when you find a major author’s short story or you come across
controversial articles. Few adult
magazines maintained a children’s page so charming as that of Woman’s World.
Recently I was
surprised, going through some 1890 issues of The Quiver: An Illustrated Magazine for Sunday and
General Reading. The magazines have
lovely Victorian illustrations however most of the articles and fiction are religious. Yet at the back, most issues advertised
ladies’ girdles and underthings, illustrated in the full-figure fashion. I can’t imagine a religion-oriented magazine
doing that today.
While writing this, I
was watching my bid for 1871 Home and
Hearth magazine issues. Most have a
farm animal on the cover. The magazine
was advertised for its farm orientation. However, I discovered that this
magazine was first edited by Harriet Beecher Stowe. I couldn’t believe it was the same magazine
but it was, I found when I looked up an image of its banner. Stowe handed the editing over to someone
else in the early 1870s but she contributed afterwards with articles about
slavery and other writings. I can’t wait
to explore these issues. I got it for
the lowest bid and they’re in the mail!